Friday, January 7, 2011

Ooh La La ... Our First Blogger Award!

If you haven't seen our fab New Year post this week
from Monday, featuring four of the
Ooh La Frou Frou girls' resolutions ...
just scroll back to the previous post ... you don't want to miss it!

This is a little ADDITIONAL post by on a Thursday
by me, the artist, Sandy,
because I'm SO excited that we've been nominated for our first
Blogger Award
by darling Cupcake of the fun and fashionable Fashion Tarts blog!!
Thank you, Cupcake!

In order to be able to claim this little jewel
and place it proudly in my sidebar,
Cupcake has told me that I simply
must must must
tell seven things about myself.
Could be anything.
So, here goes ...

1. As I child, I was a horse lover. I mean, serious horse lover.
Pretended I was a horse on the playground with a friend.
Horse pictures taped on my bedroom wall.
Conjured up a plan to beg my parents to get me one.
Over and over and over.
And then, one day, it worked. We moved to gorgeous acreage with a barn
and my parents bought me a Tennessee Walker named Prince.
Oooh, he was loverly.
Sleek brown with a snowy white face.
He would pick his feet up and walk pretty
and run VERY fast.
I would sail over jumps with the wind in my hair.
I was in heaven. 
Then I discovered that some dreams comes with a downside.
As in a stinky stable to clean.
I discovered why cowboys wear scarves over their noses.
Ewww. And horses get burrs in their tail. So not fun.
That was about the time I discovered I am the Princess type.
But we kept Prince until I discovered boys
and I put THEIR pictures on my walls.
Now I go riding every fall along trails with golden trees
and at the end of the trail,
I hand my horse over to a stableman.
That, my friends, is the way a Princess rides.
The Queen's Granddaughter, Zara Phillip's Image via

2. On this same acreage we had a beautiful apple orchard.
Flowers graced the trees in the spring.
The smell of apples permeating everything in the fall ...
our house, our car, everything.
We sold the apples and people would sit in cars
 lined down our long driveway and down the street.
Some of the McIntosh apples were nearly as big as grapefruit.
My dad's cider was the best I've ever tasted.
If you're one of my twitter or facebook followers,
you know I am a Fall Lover.
Fall to me will always be ... apples.
Image via

3. In spite of my love of horses and apple trees
and walks in the woods ...
this Princess is definitely a City Girl.
Nothing makes my heart skip a beat
like the lights, the energy,
 the glamour
and the thrill of the city.
When you think of me ... think city lights.

Image via

4. My favorite flower is a pink peony.
Image via

5. I floated high above the ground in a hot air balloon once,
and we floated down and touched the water with our basket
and floated back up again.
Image via

6.  My favorite gift is fine jewelry.
Image via

7. I love luxury hotels with doormen that leave chocolates on your pillow.

Image via

That's it, Cupcake, thanks again!!
I want to thank the Academy.
Can't wait to put my Blogger Award in the sidebar!

Four more Ooh La Frou Frou girls
will post Monday on Ooh La Frou Frou's next regular post
with four more resolutions!
See you then, all!


  1. Sandy you are too divine! #1 is adorable, #4 is mine too!!!, #5 is like magic (they way you described it was poetic) and of course #6...ooh they were all wonderful! Sandy you deserve it. Your site is like a girly wonderland and your cards are very high quality and extra special (I framed one, that's how much I love it!!).
    You're an extra special person Sandy!

  2. Congrats Sandy. A well deserved award. I have absolute "blog envy" for your gorgeous blog, and I can see so much hard work goes into it. Loved learning more about you, accompanied by your gorgeous images (I also love hotels where they leave naughties on your pillow!)

  3. Darling, CONGRATULATIONS! You desrve it many times over for the most spectacular, full of glam posts. :-) It is so wonderful to learn ore about you! I hope 2011 had a wonderful start for you. :-) I am looking forward to a new year of friendship with you and a new year of visiting your beautiful Blog!

  4. Yay!!! Your first award- and the perfect one, at that! YOU are so stylish, as are the lovely ooh la frou frou girlies! I am so looking forward to seeing what 2011 holds for you, my dear!!! Friday hugs to you!


  5. Warm congratulations on a well-deserved award! You bring us so much beauty and thoughtful inspiration. Shh, don't tell, but you are definitely one of my top favorites. So inspiration and so kind... I am so happy to have a new friend in you and so look forward to what you will share for the coming year. Keep up the fabulous and glamorous work -- thank you thank you thank you :)


  6. Now, why am I NOT surprised by the "princess" aspect??? You are such a warm and lovely person to connect with and I think HIGHLY deserving of this award. Post it proudly :)

  7. Congrats on the award! That's so funny I was a huge horse lover as a child myself! We had horses and I think they are just one of the greatest animals! Hope you have a wonderful and glam weekend! hugs -Taj

  8. Your award is well deserved, congratulations! :D xx

  9. Stopping in to wish you a happy new year and many more blog posts to come!

  10. Congratulations Sandy! Well deserved! Who doesn't love a chocolate on their pillow at the end of a grueling day (read: a day filled with shopping) ;)!

  11. Thanks so MUCH everyone for your comments on the Blogger Award post! I cherish them all and love the connections that the blogging world opens up with such fabulous friends! Love, Sandy!

  12. Congratulations!! Your blog (and girls) are nothing if not STYLISH :) Love!
