Monday, February 6, 2012

All In The Details

Hello Fabulous Ooh La Frou Frou Girls!
I hope you're all doing marvelous!
I've been very busy creating for Ooh La Frou Frou
as well as lots of custom  illustration ...
I just love seeing what clients have in mind for me!

Thanks for joining me for a little
glamour break!
Grab a latte or whatever says cozy to you, loves, and ...

~ Let's Talk About The Details ~

Attention to detail is key to fabulous style ...
Cinemagraph "Juicy's Rock Candy" via Photographer Jamie Beck ~  From Me to You

We Ooh La Frou Frou Girls

{you and I AND the illustrated ones
 that represent our glamorous side, of course!}
absolutely love lovely things.
And lovely things of all kinds
 become simply breathtaking things
when they've been sprinkled
with the magic of detail ...

I think one of the wonderful things about fashion
is the fact that we can simply switch up the details
 and reveal a different side of our personality each day ...
{like an actress playing different roles},
giving voice to the part of us we want the world to see ...
literally creating the pages of our life's fashion story.

Here's a page from my sketchbook ...

So, the next time you peek out at a new day
 and get ready to open the doors and step into the world,
think about who you want that world to see ...

This is the way I look at it, darlings ...
so many people see us each day ...
simply walking down the street, at the office,
in restaurants, in a shopping mall ...
and most of those people don't know us.
They can't possibly know how fabulous we really are
or what an incredible and talented lady
happens to be walking by them at that moment.
They simply see the outside vision we present.
And decisions are formed about us in a split second.

And this is my favorite part ...
the extreme fun we can have using the many tools at our disposal
{make-up, nail polish, scent, the way we carry ourselves}
to help us create just the right look that speaks volumes ...

A "French Girl" In Starbucks
One example that I can tell you about
happened when I was standing in a line
at Starbucks three or four years ago.
In line in front of me stood a woman of about 30.
She had a short pale pink strand of those
 large pearls around her neck at her collarbone,
tied in the back with a black satin bow.
Her blonde hair was in a french braid
 that had been tucked under neatly at the nape of the neck,
with little whisps escaping around her face.
Her sweater was the softest of pale champagne cashmere.
Her skirt was black with a little flounce and a wide waist band.
Champagne colored tights led to pretty ballet flats.
I thought she looked like a girl
 fresh off the plane from Paris.
Then, when she came up to the counter to order,
she didn't have a french accent at all.
She simply had chosen that look for the day ...
 and here, a complete stranger, still remembers her
impression all of these years later.

Be Memorable: It's All In The Details.

This has been a little peek
 into the world of my
Fashion Philosophy.
I thought you may enjoy it,
 as it bleeds over into my illustrations.

Details, details, details.

Oh, and one last thing to remember and
you can never go wrong ...

Thanks for joining me, everyone!

, by the way, did you notice that we now have
 tabs at the top of the blog?
The "About" and "Pleasure To Meet You" tabs
have details in them and more info will be added to the
remainder of the tabs shortly!

All Ooh La Frou Frou
 illustrations are by
Sandy M
(Sandra Shelton Markwalder)
artist and founder of Ooh La Frou Frou.
Ooh La Frou Frou CARDS can be purchased here.
contact Sandy M, the artist,  here.

(All Quotes Are By Sandy M)
(Sketch pad page with
stiletto, camera and Eiffel Tower drawings by Sandy M)

Photos used in this post found via following sources:
(Cinemagraph Photograph by Jamie Beck) From Me To You.
(Pierre Herme Paris box of pastries) and
(Girl in sweater with stacked gold bracelets) found via
(Girl looking out blue blinds) found via
(Girl walking out pink doors); (Arm with bracelets tied with bow);
(Oatmeal color sweater with bow belt); (Lollia Imagine Perfume);
 (Braided hair); (Pink flats with gold bows) all found via
 Dior Addict lipsticks, purse, etc. found via
 Pink cocktail ring found via
Leopard print and pearls found via
 Stay Classy pencils found via


  1. Sandy you are so right about fashion being a play. Its all up to what other people make of your appearance, and of course what you make of it yourself;) Imagination goes wild sometimes haha. Hope you have a great week ahead of you, that creating doesn't sound bad at all!

  2. totally agree with you : it is all about the details. gogeous selection of photos (especially love jamie beck's cinemagraph ;) ) I also adore to see your drawings. I wanted to thank you very warmly for your sooo kind comments on my blog :)

  3. I love your fashion philosophy!! Was such a pleasure to read and start my week with! (On Mondays I run out in my yoga pants, but always with my makeup perfect and a large cocktail ring and fabulous earrings, that come off for class and then go back on. You're right, it's all in the details!!)
    Have a fabulous week!

  4. I agree - the little details are so important - the string of pearls, the way a scarf is tied, the decoration on the shoes or dress....Lovely post and I love those pastel coloured shoes with the gold bows!

  5. Fashion does create such a great outlet for creative expression doesn't it. And it's amazing how changing up simple details can totally alter the mood of your look as you choose. Thanks for all the fabulous eye candy and fashion bon mots. I just adore that 2nd to last pic of Song Hye Kyo in Chanel. Happy Monday Sandy!

  6. Fashion or better said personal style because it's style we really want to relate to, not trends, should be a natural extension of your personality, it is a means of expressing yourself. So yes, I say the appearance counts, not the brands, not the visible logos, but taking care of yourself. As Coco Chanel said: "I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little." Have a wonderful week, Sandy! xo

  7. Excellent post Sandy! I love your real life story, philosophy and inspiration. How wonderful! You never cease to amaze me. We can be whatever we want on any given day. Fashion makes it possible! Love your tabs and you are the most fabulous illustrator. Now I want a piece of that fabulous Paris chocolate. HAHAHA Have a great week Sandy! ((HUG))

  8. OMG! I am mesmerized by the moving keys; absolutely stunning Sandi. You excel yourself every time xx

  9. What a great post Sandy darling! Merci for your little note. :)

    I love that moving picture...and goodness me but I need some pink pencils too! *wink* I love your style doll! Details are sooo important! It's the little things that get me to smile. *wink*

  10. Thank you so much for the lovely comment about perfume on my blog !

  11. I just found your blog!!!! So excited to follow it!

    Stop by sometime, I'd love to hear what you think!


  12. I love how we have the ability to transform ourselves to "be" whatever we'd like to be on any given day. Gorgeous post, as usual, Sandy! Have a wonderful week! xoxo

  13. Such great eye candy! Your posts always amazing!

  14. Hi Sandy, Life and Fashion is all about the details. I Loved your post and how you brought to light so many pretty things to swoon over. Love your new layout and can't wait to see all the new "details" coming to your site. Have a great week and thank you for always such lovely comments on my blog. Hugs!


  15. Loving the comments everyone! I always read every one!! ~xoSM

  16. Sandy, I love your story about the 'french' girl at Starbucks {and I want her outfit!}, it's so true about looking good for strangers! Hope you're having a wonderful week!

    xo Mary Jo

  17. A wonderful reminder that when we leave the house, that is how we are presenting ourselves to the world. My mother used to drive me crazy about how I went out...but it sticks with me always. She would say, "but other people have to look at you".

    And, impressions are made. In a split second. Most people will never hear our voice or get to know us over coffee, so all we have is our fashion and style. That makes it a lot less superfluous.

    xoxo Elizabeth

  18. As always, a post bursting with glamour! Lovely, lovely photos and a fabulous fashion philosophy that I share! XOXO

  19. Sigh, again so many gorgeous photos that I just want to jump into. And yes, fashion is amazing in that we can be so many characters. We can express so many different facets of our personality....with so wide range of lust worthy tools! Oohh the photos you provided after that were beautiful!

  20. Sandy, I gave your blog an award today. Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your posts. ((HUG))

  21. Thank you, darling Kim, for my Cute Blog award!!! XoX

  22. Sigh. You are so right. I nearly wore a dress today - in fact I put it on, then took if off! - and then pulled on some jeans because of the weather. Even if they are new J Brand jeans. Sometimes jeans just ought to be banned.

  23. So enchanting... I love pink, Manhattan, maccarons, shopping for shoes at Manolo Blahnik, and being surprised with flowers by my sweet hubbie! NYC is captured so wonderfully in your artwork. Thanks so much for a great, girlie, pink, Manhattan valentine! I've enjoyed it!

  24. i totally agree with you, i always believed that details are the ones that can ruin or better up a project, it all lays on the details.
