Monday, March 12, 2012

A Mini-Novelette ... "The Luxe Life"

Hello Fabulous Ooh La Frou Frou City Girls!
I hope your weekend was too wonderful for words!
Before we get started,
 let me just take just a moment to mention that
there will not be a post next week, as I will be out of town ...
I will be back again on Monday, March 26!

Just like a delicious favorite television show,
Ooh La Frou Frou "Novelettes"
are meant to sweep you away for a little
 "tryst with chic,"
and they take place in a fantasy world
 filled with sparkle, glamour and fun ...
you know the world I'm speaking of ...
it's the world of our dreams, where
money is no object and everything is a delight.
It is my hope that you'll tuck a
little of that magical feeling
into your pocket when you leave here
 to take back into your real world ...
because you are, after all, the real-life version
of Ooh La Frou Frou City Girls!

As you may know,
I call the fantasy stories
of the lives of our illustrated City Girls
{they are usually continued through two or three posts}.
The shorter version
{lasting only one post}
are  "Mini-Novelettes" ...
and that's what we have today.

Have you always been in love with Eloise at the Plaza?
I have!  
Did you know that one of our illustrated City Girls
also lives in a famous Fifth Avenue hotel?
Yep, she does ... the St. Regis has "Residence" apartments.
So, of course, I simply had to choose one as the home of Cherie.
If you're familiar with Ooh La Frou Frou,
you may know that Cherie is our famous fictional supermodel.
{Because, really, darlings ... aren't we all one in our dreams?}
She also has a precocious pug named Luxe ...
and rawther like Eloise,
 Luxe wanders around a very famous hotel ...

Being the adored dog of a lovely model and
living in a luxurious hotel in the city
does have its perks, darlings ...
for one, Luxe is privy to seeing firsthand
the mouthwatering clothes that Cherie tries on
for photoshoots ...

Luxe thinks they're very nearly as pretty as her own
canine couture and jewelry
which Cherie finds at places such as
Doggie Vogue and Poochie & TouTou,
to name a few ...

Twice a day, Luxe is taken for a walk ...
and ordinary walks they are not.
Luxe thinks the window shopping is simply fabulous!

She is particularly good friends with the doorman of the hotel
who always sneaks special treats from the kitchen just for her ...

Image via (c) 2012 Oyster ~

... the hotdog stand just down from the hotel entrance
is another of Luxe's favorite spots when she's
feeling just a wee bit weak and tired from her walk ...
Image via (c) 2012 Oyster ~

Each time Luxe and Cherie approach the entrance of the hotel
Luxe's gaze is always drawn waaaaay up to the top of the
shiny grand revolving door of the St. Regis ...

...  she simply knows it must be at least MILES tall ...

The lobby is usually swarming with people walking to and fro,
back and forth, up and down ... in all directions ...

Little Luxe particularly likes Mrs.Wently,
who says she dresses "only in Chanel ", even at home,
 and who lives in one of the grandest apartments in the hotel..
She often dogsits for Luxe when Cherie is working.
Luxe has noticed that Mrs. Wently must get very thirsty
 because every afternoon she orders from room service a
special drink of water in a triangle glass with an olive.
She gets soooooo happy
when room service delivers her drink on a silver tray ...
and while Mrs. Wently laughs and talks to room service,
 no one ever notices at all when Luxe
 sneaks out through the open door to take a little hotel stroll ...
especially not Mrs. Wently ... ...
afternoon water makes Mrs. Wently very sleepy.

Upon leaving Mrs. Westly's apartment,
Luxe always has to make a split-second decision as to
whether to first go right or left, up or down ...

Image via (c) 2012 Oyster ~
If a flower delivery is being made, Luxe
scampers at the bellman's heels to be extra sure
he makes it to the right place ...

In the lobby, if designer luggage is being placed on the
shiny luggage carrier, Luxe likes to wedge herself
 between the pretty suitcases for a ride.
She's overjoyed when she finds new guests
are staying in room 1403 ...

... especially when she happens to be wearing
her little black top and pearls
{with the St. Regis logo on the side}
~ Rule No. 1 ~
A guest's first impression is everything.

The Dior Suite is another Luxe favorite ...
the view from the chaise is divine!

She likes to be helpful
and wander the halls with the maids ...
she's the very best at picking up pieces of paper from the floor ...

(c) 2012 Oyster ~

Luxe always watches Cherie
 when she puts very important mail
into this pretty box in the lobby ...

... so Luxe places all of the pieces of paper and envelopes that
she's found lying around in the guests suites
 in a big pile on the floor at the foot of the mailbox
for extra-special delivery.

Luxe is usually shooed away by the waiters when she tries
 to pop the champagne bubbles sculpture
in the bar of the renowned
Adour Alain Ducasse Restaurant in the Hotel ...
"isn't that what they're for?" she wonders.

She likes to hide under the curtains
during big parties and special events ...

... weddings are her specialty ... she dances very well on her hind feet.
Everyone is so impressed.

But her favorite job of all is helping to deliver room service ...
she has practiced her "hungry look" so often she has perfected it ...
and it always works wonders.
She never fails to leave without a bite of chicken salad sandwich
or a tea biscuit at the very least.

By the time Cherie arrives back at the hotel,
and stops to pick up Luxe at Mrs. Wently's,
it has been a very busy day for Luxe ...
but she acts as if she's simply just awakened from a
long afternoon snooze ...

Luxe walks wearily with Cherie back to their beautiful hotel apartment  ...

... and as Cherie readies for a hot shower and a cozy evening at home ...

... the phone rings ...
and when Cherie gives her errant puppy that certain look,
 Luxe knows the dreaded news ... it's happened many times before.
She's been discovered.

Thanks for joining us this week for our
Cherie and the mischievous Little Luxe are the stars of our
new Easter card entitled ...
"Easter Basket Mischief"

Inside Message:
"Have a Simply Delicious Easter!" 

To order card go here. 

Card Description:
Luxe obviously decided that a few of those
Easter eggs and a pink stuffed bunny
that were in a pretty Easter Basket
 looked a little too good to resist ...
and Cherie discovered Luxe's mischief once more.
Illustration background complete with St. Regis balcony
with Central Park and city beyond.
Not seen on this image:
The Easter basket and it's goodies sparkle with glitter,
as do touches on Luxe's bow and Cherie's jewelry.
Envelope Lavender with Raspberry Liner
Pale Pink Paper lines inside of card.
Card protected in cello wrap.

Inside Message:
"Have a Simply Delicious Easter!"

All illustration is by
artist and founder of Ooh La Frou Frou:
Sandy M
{Sandra Markwalder}
For Custom Illustration contact Sandy here.
For Ooh La Frou Frou cards, go here.

Images Top to Bottom via:

Hotel Exterior via
Dress with flower unknown
Dog Clothes (L to R) via: 1 2 3 and Necklace
Two Street Scenes Outside St Regis via courtesy of (c) 2012 Oyster
Pug Illustration by Sandy M
Entrance to Hotel via
Lobby of Hotel via 

Bar Tray via
St. Regis Stairway via courtesy of (c) 2012 Oyster
Delivery of Flowers via
Tiffany Suite Sign via
Tiffany Suite (illustration of pug added by Sandy M) via
Dior Suite (illustration of pug added by Sandy M) via
St. Regis Hallway via (c) 2012 Oyster
Mailbox via
Adour (illustration of pug added by Sandy M) via
Dining Room via
Lavender Hued Event Room via
Butler with Tray via (edited by me)
Three Tier Tray via
Pug Illustration by Sandy M
Three Interior Photos of St. Regis via
Pug Illustration by Sandy M
Card Illustration by Sandy M


  1. This post is just too adorable, Sandy. So nice to meet Luxe, how cute is she? Your illustrations are wonderful. I wish you a great week! xo

  2. Oh, Luxe! Hahaha. What a great post as always. It's wonderful to dream about living in such a luxurious place and to peek into some of the suites. ;)

  3. HAHAHA Sandy! Luxe was ALL over the hotel. HAHAHA I couldn't stop laughing. Talk about exquisite doggy treats. That's the life! I loved your story. Too cute and so is that Easter card. I love Cherie, Luxe and that gorgeous Easter basket. It's a BEAUTIFUL time of year. You captured it well. Have a great two weeks! I'm going to miss you. ((HUG))

  4. Hey Sandy,
    Fun post, I like your take on Luxe's little adventures in this Mini Novelette. Wonderful and glamorous as usual. Enjoy your time away darling. Will miss you. Until the 26th!


  5. Ooh, how I wish I were the main character in this novelette :) I think this hotel was made for me :) Thanks so much for making me dream, Sandy!

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  6. It's lovely Sandy! Makes me want to live in a private St. Regis residence!

    xo Mary Jo

  7. Oh Luxe is just too adorable for words! I would love to live her life! :)

    Have a wonderful week, Sandy and enjoy your getaway! xoxo

  8. Fantastic photos and a wonderful tale to go along with them!!!! Loving it!
    And that card is gorgeous. I love everything about it but ESPECIALLY the easter basket. So gorg!!

  9. What a gorgeous post honey!!! I'm sending you an email now! Kori xoxo

  10. Haha! Reminds me as a young kid I use to hide behind curtains. Lol! Love the post! xoxo --TT

  11. I think I want Luxe's life right now! Great little trip you took us on dear! xx

  12. I can't believe how long it took me to get to reading your post this week. I have been so busy! But once again it was so beautiful and entertaining! I was just in the city today and it is so glamorous...even the grungy parts!
    Have a wondeful week!

  13. I think I have become a fan of Luxe : she is irresistible!and the easter card is fabulous :)

  14. I'm late commenting-sorry :-(
    Love how Luxe appeared in many of the gorgeous images. My fav dog is a pug, so this post was right up my street.
    Have a lovely week off Sweets xx

  15. I want that Easter basket! So cute!

  16. Oh, Eloise? Yes, yes! I still so enjoy the films and books for that matter, and I am in love with this post! So glamorous and inspiring :) I wish that I could take a trip there at this very moment!

    Wishing you a lovely time*


  17. Oh my goodness how utterly gorgeous. I demand to know who in real life really gets to live in places like that? The Dior Suite is mine!

  18. Hi Sandy darling! :-)

    Love your new glamourous post with the cute Luxe! Wonderful pics as always and a gorgeous illustration on the new easter card! It's so sweet to dream a little glam dream. Enjoy your week! xoxo

  19. Such lovely post and the photos are just stunning.

    <3 Marina

  20. I wonder if Luxe would mind swapping lives with me just for this weekend? I would not mind at all wandering around the wonderful halls and rooms in the hotel..... le sigh Oh I need to book a mini break asap :-)

