Wednesday, January 23, 2013



Hi everyone!
As you know, last week was my first week
of going from a weekly post to three days per week
and I'm LOVING connecting with you
several times a week now ...
thanks for all of the sweet comments!

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that
would be the title of one of the new series of occasional posts
 I will be doing ... and this is the first one in that series.
The idea behind
is to introduce you to some of the commissioned illustrations
I've been working on and introduce you to the clients
 that I created them for!
Today's illustration was created for
the lovely Kristal of Atutudes.
If you're not familiar with what she does,
the name of her company will give you a clue!
She makes adorable tutus
for very adorable little girls
and celebs make it onto her list of clients.

You may have seen a photo of a
certain little mini-Audrey dressed in the Atutudes
 Breakfast at Tiffany's Tutu Dress
on Pinterest or maybe on Jessica Alba's Facebook Page
or perhaps on Lauren Conrad's Friday Favorites!


When a client orders a custom illustration from me,
I always begin by creating a rough sketch for approval
before the actual illustration is painted ...
and this was the sketch for Atutudes ...

... after approval, the sketch is transferred to fresh paper and I'm ready to paint.
After the first layers and shades of the little girl's pale skin tones are painted in,
I begin the layers of watercolor for the tulle ...

If you follow me on Instagram,
you may have seen this photo that I took of
the tutu watercolor layers in progress ...

Lots of layers of watercolor make up the pretty
Breakfast at Tiffanys tutu dress illustration,
just as there are lots of layers in the actual dress ...
and voila!
This is the finished illustration!
What a fun illustration to do!
Now you know who to go to if you know of a little sweetie
that feels like she wants to be Audrey Hepburn
for her birthday party!

Thank you, Atutudes!

See you Friday, everyone,
for another INSPIRED post ...
hmmmmm ...
wonder what will be inspiring me this time?

is the blog of Illustrator

For a custom illustration,
drop Sandy a line here.


  1. Oh Sandy, this is marvelous. It's so precious.
    I think I need an illustration done for me!!
    Happy Wednesday.

  2. Oh Sandy, you are working pure magic here! How come you are so incredibly talented? I hope one day I'll be able to commission my own print from you: that would be a dream come true :)
    Sandy, I'd love to interview you for my Brunch with a blogger series, would you be interested in participating? If so, please drop me an email on so I can send you the questions.

    Have a lovely Wednesday!

    xx Ivana

    Macarons and Pearls

  3. Sandy, this illustration is absolutely delightful! Thanks for sharing some of your artistic process with us! I always find that so interesting.

    Happy Wednesday!
    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my Shabby Apple Necklace Giveaway!

  4. You are so very talented my friend, you and your illustrations have left me speechless today!! (and that doesn't happen very often!!)
    Just stunning!!

  5. It's an adorable illustration and so interesting to see how you developed it from start to finish. A nice little behind the scenes post for us today.

  6. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing the pictures and description of your creative process.

  7. Sandy, this is SO cute. I love seeing the progression each illustration goes through. You are SO talented xx

  8. Hi Sandy, love that your posting more of your lovely creative this year! I am always amazed by your beautiful illustrations, this is adorably sweet!

  9. I'm so happy you're sharing these with us. How are you finding posting more now? Is it overwhelming or fun?

  10. What a lovely illustration. Your mini Audrey is fabulous, Sandy!
    I hope one day you will draw an illustration with a scarf (my passion / obsession)
    Anne Touraine (Playing with Scarves)

  11. Kansasgirl1 ~ I don't know if you will get this response but I didn't see a blog that I could leave a comment on, so we'll try this! I'm glad you're a part of Ooh La Frou Frou ... thanks so much for your lovely comments! Much appreciated! xo ~S
