Monday, February 18, 2013

Playing Hooky

 Hi darlings!
 Did you have a good weekend?
I so hope so!
I'm doing a little change-up today ...
{Predictable is boring, after all! haha!}
Monday posts are usually the
"Could She Be You" series ...
but that will come later this week.

This winter has been SO cold here,
seven degrees Sunday morning (no kidding)
and I've been spending a LOT of time in the studio ...
so since I worked ALL weekend,
I thought you might like to
start the week off by playing hooky with me today.
This is a familiar February feeling to me
of wanting to grab a map and take off to
places unknown ... the only requirements would be
that where we go would have to include:
the sea, palm trees, umbrella drinks, sunshine and a good book.

Actually, this wanderlust thing has been building inside lately
but this weekend, as I was searching for some swimwear
that would be pretty for some summer illustrations,
it just pushed me over the edge!

So, what do you say?
I'm playing hooky ...  you in?
Where should we go?

It seems like we've been travelling forever ...
are we there yet?
I think I hear the sea ...


Let's get our feet wet ...

Anyone up for a sail?

... or a swim? ...

It's almost sunset ...
I guess we'd better get back to the real world ...

But thanks for playing hooky with me today ...
the escape was definitely just what I needed!

Have a fabulous week!
See you Wednesday!
is the blog of illustrator

For custom illustration
contact Sandy here

The images above are from my
Pinterest boards.

The ocean cinemagraph  via

The sailboat cinemagraph  is by the
oh-so-talented Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg via


  1. This sounds PERFECT!! I'd gladly play hooky with you. I want to live in every single picture. Ever since I lost my weight& got healthier I can't wait to get a bikini and I just want to wear lots and lots of skirts and shorts and dresses! giggle... Perfect post for Monday.

    Merci, for stopping by my poor blog I neglect it too much but when you wear so many hats like I do something has got to give. lol...

  2. Bellissima la ragazza con i capelli al vento. kiss

  3. Good morning gorgeous! I so loved this post and could totally use to get away! I am also so behind on posting on my blog because real life has been so busy and fabulous. So I guess that's a good thing. Have a wonderful day!!

  4. I'm right there with you, Sandy! This winter seems never ending to me, with snow falling every other day, and temperatures way below zero (in Celsius, of course :) I'm so ready for spring, if only it would hurry up! I was so glad to tag along on this journey: daydreaming about sea, drinks and great books while at my desk in the office was definitely a highlight of my Monday :)

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment yesterday, Sandy, I couldn't agree more with you: sometimes the weeks fly by so fast that I sometimes get confused about what day / week we are, actually :)

    Hope your weekend was productive, and that you're off to a lovely week!

    xx Ivana

    Macarons and Pearls

  5. Thank you for this gorgeous day dream to kick of a rainy Monday! Love the thought of wearing shorts again! Hope you have a wonderful week Sandy!

    xo Mary Jo

  6. Ooh, I'm in, Sandy ;-)
    Let's go to Italy...ahhhhhhh....beautiful....

  7. Thank you Sandy! Spring fever? Oh yes. We had a day in the 50s over the wkend & then right back to rain& snow. But boy did it feel good to get out in some fresh air if only just for a short time. Fighting colds here so the mini vaca was much needed. Nice touch with the sea sounds. Love the sound of water. Any kind. Its so soothing. Thanks for a terrific start to my week love. Stay well!

  8. OMG!! Your images are gorgeous, but also remind me how far away Summer still feels ;-)
    I felt the heat on my skin with your lovely post though ;-)
    Have a lovely week Sweets xx

  9. Take me there, please! I live in Sweden and I guess we have even more bad weather here...but here comes the sun, soon spring! Like your blog a lot! Pls check out mine if you feel for it!
