Monday, May 2, 2011

Ooh La Frou Frou Girl Tiffany ... Close Up!

Hello, Darlings!
It's Sandy, the artist and creator of
the Ooh La Frou Frou Collection.
This week on Ooh La Frou Frou,
it's week two in our fun series of eight posts
recapping the details of the eight stars of the
card line and blog ...
can you decide which girl is most like you?

We began last week with fab recap number one
featuring Ooh La Frou Frou girl HOPE.
If you missed it, be sure to check it out here!
In each of the eight posts, you will get to see
something new ... where each girl lives!
Last week, we first saw Hope's "City Girl" apartment.

Today's post is the second in our recap series,
featuring our logo girl Tiffany ...

To describe Tiffany, I'd say ....
she's a modern-day Audrey Hepburn.

Like Holly Golightly,
Tiffany has a very dreamy favorite hangout ...
Fifth Avenue's Tiffany and Company, of course!
Like Audrey, she has a very classic style.
I'd call her signature style "modern classic."
She takes a little of Audrey's style and adds a modern twist.
She loves to wear classic pieces ...
Chanel, Givenchy and Dior.
  And her favorite color is ...
tiffany blue, of course!

So far, you've seen Tiffany in two cards ...
"Glamour Girls" (right, below),
a card for a bride to give to her glamorous bridesmaids
and, most recently, our Easter card,
"Easter Whimsy" (below left) ..
but, ooh, do we have a surprise for you ...
coming up in this post!

A quick look at the posts Tiffany has been in thus far ...

At the beginning of the holiday season,
she brought you to the city "virtually,"
taking you front and center at Macy's Thanksgiving parade
and inviting you to walk with her to see the 2010 holiday windows
and share her love of the Rockefeller Center tree ...

in another post, she described her romance with
Tiffany and Company ...

and shared with you her dressing room chair in tiffany blue
with "diamond" upholstery tacks ...

and in her most recent post, we watched as she
spent the day walking all over the city ...

and later arriving back at her apartment, kicking off her shoes
and spending the evening IN for a little spa-relaxation,
imagining the sound of the sea as she soaked ...

One of our Glamorous Girlfriends from a
lovely French blog called "Soapy Mermaid" tagged us to list
ten things we enjoy ... thank you "Soapy Mermaid" ...
and since this post is featuring Tiffany,
we'll list ten things that are on Tiffany's current "wish list" ...
from Tiffany and Company ... of course!

1. She'd love the sweet Fifth Avenue Box to hold her nightstand trinkets...
2. She's in bangle-love ... these are so beautiful ...
3. Tiffany charms are simply the cutest
and they make Tiffany happy just to look at them ...

4. Who wouldn't love a pink leather journal called "Kisses?"
or a diary with a heart lock for those secret notes? ...

5. She'd love a little Tiffany and Co. on her finger everyday ...
6. And the Tiffany keys look fabulous on a silk scarf ...
7. She can never have enough pearls around her neck,
and the gorgeous Tiffany Pearls scarf is a new way to wear them ...
8. She's in love with the Savoy clutch ...
I mean, just look at the clasp ...
and it's tiffany blue inside!

9. The Tiffany Elsa Peretti Pink Cultured Pearl Bracelet
is a pretty way to combine pink and pearls ...
10. Is there a girl alive that wouldn't love a gorgeous ring
especially if it's called "Sugar Stacks?"
So sweet!

Thank you, lovely Soapy Mermaid,
for giving Tiffany the opportunity to share
some of the things she enjoys!

Now ...
are you wondering where Tiffany lives? 
When it came time for me to design Tiff's apartment,
what could be more perfect for Tiffany
than walking up to an apartment in a townhouse
that looks like Holly Golightly's in Breakfast at Tiffany's?
You remember ... the lovely white one with the green arched door
and classic striped awnings ...

Here, George Peppard is just approaching and looking up at
the oh-so-famous abode ...

and here it is again, directly behind her ...

The townhouse exterior filmed in the movie
is still in New York ...
it's awnings disappeared a couple of years ago,
but it's still recognizable.
It stands at 169 East 71st Street,
on the East Side, New York.

I didn't want to give Tiffany
Holly Golightly's actual apartment ...
but she lives in one that looks suspiciously like its twin ...
but even better ... in Ooh La Frou Frou's fantasy world,
where all of our dreams come true,
the awnings don't have to come down.
And even better yet ...
they're a pretty tiffany blue!
Here's a quick rough sketch I made of
Tiffany's apartment ... don't you want to come visit?

And I think I've found just the perfect chair by Modani for her entry ...
don't you agree?

I'm going to finish our lovely dream of a Tiffany post
with something very special for you.
First, to get us ready,
let's glimpse the opening scene from
Breakfast at Tiffany's, where Holly
stands gazing into the window of Tiffany and Company.

Ooh La Frou Frou girl Tiffany
loves to gaze in the windows, as well.
Last week, I mentioned that in just a few weeks
Ooh La Frou Frou's first boxed blank notecards will be available.
Our first boxed notecards will be called "City Girls" and will include
 12 notecards ~ 4 different designs and
will be introduced and available soon!
Each week leading up to their introduction and availability,
I will be giving you a little sneak peak
of the glamour that is "City Girls" ...

It's my pleasure to introduce
the first of the four notecards included in
"City Girls" ...
made especially for all of you
Audreys at heart that love
the sparkle of jewels!
This is no ordinary notecard.
Like a painting in miniature, it comes complete
with crystals on the chandeliers and jewelry ...

All four notecard designs will come with a different
custom-lined envelope design ...
these are the illustrations I've created for
the Tiffany notecard envelope liner ...

Thanks, everyone, for joining me for the Tiffany Recap ...
Be sure to join us next week for Recap Week Three ...
which girl will it be?
Oh ...  and yes ... there will be the sneak preview of the second
"City Girl" notecard design!

Have a wonderful week
from Ooh La Frou Frou!

To order Ooh La Frou Frou Collection cards,
simply go to our website here.
Ooh La Frou Frou Boxed Notes will be available soon!

Illustration Credit:
All illustrations on this post
are the work of Sandra Shelton Markwalder,
the artist and creator of Ooh La Frou Frou.
(c) Ooh La Frou Frou ~ all rights reserved.
If you would like to feature Ooh La Frou Frou
on your blog and would like to use an image from the blog,
we love the exposure and simply ask that you
contact us prior with an e-mail to
so that we won't miss it ~
ALL IMAGE USE must be linked back to Ooh La Frou Frou.

Photo/Video Credit:
Photo No. 1: Chanel Jewelry Box via
Photo No's 3-11: Tiffany images via
Photos 12-13: Scenes from Breakfast at Tiffany's via
Photo 14: Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard from
Breakfast at Tiffanys ~ New York Times via
Photo 15: Mondani Audrey Hepburn Chair via
Video Clip from Breakfast at Tiffany's from You-Tube via


SoapyMermaid said...

tiff's list is perfect! the more i come and visit la froufrou, the more i love it!! Tiffany and her friends are so charming. and the cards seem absolutely lovely... :)

Vannessa@Luxuria said...

Wow! Sandy, the new card looks wonderful.
Loved this post as Tiffany is one of my fav girls. Also love the Tiffany pieces (especially the trinket box and ring). I noted each down and will now find a time to strategically place it where hubby will see ;-)

SoapyMermaid said...

my 4 yr old daughter is in love with la froufrou cards and so am I!! ;)

Layers and Layers said...

Sandy the note card is beautiful. So excited for you, you work so hard at this! Nice little trip and Tiffany's is definitely on my list for places that are a must in NYC next week ... Maybe even Mr L will treat me to a little something (a girl can dream ..)
Best wishes x0x0x0x

Ruby said...

Well I suspect you knew I would see a lot of Tiff in myself. If I were a rich girl certainly would live in the brands listed. So touch of Hope, and a lot of Tiff, something tells me by the time we learn about all the wonderful girls I will be quite the combo of all. But do feel this so far is one of my favs. Going off now to spritz my Channel#5 on and latch my one and only Tiffany necklace on.

Gorgeous Glam said...

wow this is making me want to go shopping at Tiffs!! That of course is a favorite movie of mine as well, the glamour factor is off the charts! What a stylish gal! xo

Anonymous said...

Your words are so kind and uplifting, artful in their own way, too. Off to steal a bit of quiet time along the shore for a few days ~xox ~Alexandra

Beth's Blog said...

Tiffany is by far my favorite girl and I Love, love that note card!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Soapy Mermaid; I'm so happy that both you and your daughter love Ooh La Frou Frou ... and thanks again for tagging us, sweets!! xoxo

Vanessa at Luxuria: Hi lovely! So glad you love the card and the trinket box is one of my favorite things .. just love the little NY illustrations on it! Hope your husband sees your little hints! xox

Layers and Layers: Thanks so much, sweetie, for your compliment! And Ooh, lucky girl going to Tiffany soon ... speaking of Tiffany, have you read the little book called Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart? It's so sweet .. a true story about a couple of girls fresh out of school in the 40's, hopping a bus for a summer in the big city and becoming Tiffany's first female pages (true story) ;) xox

Ruby~Ruby's Musings: Ooh, spritzing Chanel and wearing a Tiffany necklace! Divine ;) Love that you see lots of Tiff and some of Hope too in yourself! xox

Taj Acosta: So glad you liked, sweet! xox

Coco Coterie: Thanks, Alexandra. Have a wonderful, wonderful time away! xox

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Beth's Blog: Hi Beth! So fun to hear that Tiff is your fav girl and so happy that you love the notecard! It was a fun one to create! xox

Anonymous said...

i have seen many blogs & truly, yours is the most exquisite of all. i look forward to your wonderful new blog every Monday & you never disappoint.
LOVE your blog!
the best!Thank you.

designchic said...

Absolutely adore the new card...charming post!!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Anonymous .. Chelsea! Thank you! One question: do you think they'd mind if I put your comment up on a billboard? ;) Just kidding .. sort of ;)

Seriously, thanks so very much, darling. I am so happy that you enjoy Ooh La Frou Frou's world! What a truly touching compliment you've given me .. making me teary-eyed, darling! It's friends like you that make this glorious fantasy so very worthwhile! xox

Unknown said...

Sandy, I can't wait for your new cards! I love the exterior you designed for Tiffany--complete perfection! Maybe a series of cards of the abodes of all your girls is next?

Wishing you a wonderful week!

big hug!
xo Mary Jo

Anastasia Schembri said...

What a splendid post!!! And perfect timing since I believe it is Audrey Hepburn's birthday tomorrow!
I am absolutely smitten with everything you have shown here and especially the Tiffany 'Pearl' scarf, just gorgeous!
Love, love, love this post!! Hope you don't mind if I tweet about it!

Pink Champagne said...

Oh, how I adore Tiffany's! Each of these Tiffany's treats put a smile on my face, and I want to move right into that Holly Golightly inspired apartment... tres fab, my dear! XO

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Mary Jo ~ Trust Your Style: Thanks, sweetie, for the compliment on the notecards and Tiff's apartment. It's so much fun designing where the girls live ... notes may just appear with the abodes sometime in the future! xo

Lily Lemontree: Thanks, sweetie .. that's why I mentioned it, I thought you'd enjoy it. I've enjoyed so many vintage photos on your site! ;) xoxo And of COURSE you can tweet about it, silly lovely girl! Kisses!

Pink Champagne: Thank you, sweetie. Can't wait until we are all invited into Tiffany's apartment sometime ... we'll eventually get to see it room by room ;)

Noelani said...

I don't know why I haven't been by to check out your site/blog before but it is delightful. SO glad I got to meet one of the girls and can't wait to meet more. Your art is incredible, such a delight to scroll through your narrative!

Annemarie said...

Tiffany - your apartment is just stunning! Oh how I wish I could visit! Holly Golightly is my all time favorite character in a movie and I thought her townhouse was just perfection. You are fabulous! xx

Unknown said...

Once again...I'm in love, love, love! You have introduced me to deliciousness I never even knew existed (I adore the Tiffany & Co. silver ring - oh, heck! I adore it all!)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Noelani: So very glad you discovered us, sweetie, and welcome to Ooh La Frou Frou! Thanks so much for the compliments on the art .. so appreciated! Have a lovely week! xo

Brunch at Saks: So glad you love Tiff's townhouse, Annemarie! It's so fun to reveal where the girls live and all of their adventures to come! ;) xo

Beth - In My World: Haha, Beth, you sound like me, it's hard to choose a favorite off of Tiffany's wish list! So much glamour in one place ;) So very happy you're a part of Ooh La Frou Frou! xo

Anonymous said...

Your cards are just precious! I think you do such an amazing job.
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
E + J

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Eddie Ross: Thanks so very much, Eddie! Such a lovely compliment! Much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Love all these items! Tiffany blue is definitely one of my favorite colors right now!

Great job on the note cards...they're fantastic!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Studio H: Hello, lovely! Yes, we're a bit in love with tiffany blue too! Thanks so much for the compliment on the notecard .. they're going to be fun! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet comment ~ have a wonderful week!

Margarita Bloom said...

Ooh, la, la LOVE IT! I adore Tiffany's apartment!! so luxe and lavish! I love all your illustrations Sandy!!! Every post gets better and better and more LOVELY! :)

Thanks for stopping by on our blog too!! I LOVE when you visit! Just updated it again...heehee, it needed MORE PINK...and vibrancy for summer! And YES Lulu's Summer Romance was as cute as can be: tall & blonde and so good looking it'd make a girls heart start to palpitate!! giggle... and of course his name has to be....Johnny! *wink*

Unknown said...

I absolutely adore this post and adore anything Audrey and Breakfast at Tiffany's. The compilation of images are fantastic. Ooh la la!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Oh my goodness, that sugar stack finger candy is delicious!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

MargaritaBloom: Love love love your "MargaritaBloom" wink-wink language, Regina darling! Too adorable! Thank you so much for the compliment on Tiff's apartment and the illustrations ;) ~ and have an absolutely glamorous weekend! xox

Fashionista622: Thank you so much, darling girl! I'm so glad that so many of you love Tiff's Audrey style ... I didn't even realize it was Audrey's birthday week when I chose Tiffany to feature .. how lucky was that?! Have a lovely weekend, sweets! xox

Kristin: Haha -- delicious it IS!! I could go for a whole STACK of sugar on my hand, how about you ... come to think of it, a stack of sugar on my wrist, a stack of sugar on my neck ... you get the idea! ;) xox

Paris in Pink said...

Oh how I would love to trade lives with Tiffany for a day. The illustration of her relaxing in an ocean-gazing bathtub is too dreamy for words!! :)

Beautiful post, Sandy. You are so talented, and I love how you've created such glamorous and vibrant personalities for each of the Frou Frou girls you illustrate.

Big hugs xx

Camille @ Paris in Pink

SoapyMermaid said...

Hi. I chose Lafroufrou for a liebster blog award. sorry for tagging you again. but i had to list my favourite blogs so I could'nt not mention oohlafroufrou ;). see you :)

Anonymous said...

I did not know where the apartment from Breakfast At Tiffanys was! I might pay it a visit, dressed in my best pearls, of course.

Tiffany does and forever will remain my favourite of the girls. I would love to visit her apartment, or perhaps better have a glamorous sleepover there. Where can I find the key?!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Style on the Couch: They say that the townhouse was or is now owned by one of the guys that spent some time in jail in the big Madoff scandal a few years ago! That's not exactly Breakfast at Tiffany's glamour ... good thing we have Ooh La Frou Frou ... Tiff's apartment is divine and her doors are that pretty tiffany blue (psst and the key will be under the mat just for, lovey)! xo