"A favorite blanket, a pillow or two,
a good book for me and a good book for you,
the juciest of berries, a sparkling white wine,
and napkin-wrapped surprises on which we may dine ..."
a good book for me and a good book for you,
the juciest of berries, a sparkling white wine,
and napkin-wrapped surprises on which we may dine ..."
At the end of a long day of sketching and painting
(yes, even on a week that's been as busy as this one has been!),
I often close my eyes at night with my mind wandering off
to fantasy scenes that would make
lovely upcoming illustrations.
I recently saw and started crushing on THIS
and it sent my thoughts to this fantasy world:
an afternoon of leisure, with no agenda,
no e-mails, a soft breeze, a trickling creek,
the sound of birds ...
I could see that a Picnic Girl definitely will drip from my
paintbrush and onto paper sometime soon ...
are you a Picnic Girl?
Slip with me into the dream ...


So ... what do you think ...
are you a Picnic Girl too?
If you're thinking you might just be,
what would make the perfect picnic to you?
Have a wonderful weekend, lovelies!

is the blog of illustrator
are you a Picnic Girl too?
If you're thinking you might just be,
what would make the perfect picnic to you?
Have a wonderful weekend, lovelies!

is the blog of illustrator
For custom illustration inquiries
just drop Sandy a note HERE.
just drop Sandy a note HERE.
The beautiful escapes definitely appeal to me. That Kate Spade picnic basket is the "cats meow"!!
I dream of a warm, sunny lawn sloping down to the water. A soft blanket to fall asleep on and a lovely basket filled with delicious cheeses, wine and sweets.
Thank you for the beauty!!
NO! Definitly not :-) I don't like picnics or barbecues. I am a fan of a beautiful table with flowers and candles on it and sweet music while eating...
Sometimes I make a picnic with my daughter in her room, while watching our series...we don't watch any TV, but we are fans of different series. Then we have all, what we eat or drink around us. Certainly our sweet doggies, too. They get a lot of treats and are happy with us...
Enjoy your weekend!
Love, Ines
Hello dearest! Yes yes yes! I love a picnic! I haven't been on one in a very long time. :( However...we are taking a trip to Williamsburg soon so maybe hubby & I can take a good hike & find a nice spot to picnic. I love being outdoors. All of these baskets of goodies look divine to me. I'm a goodies & will eat anything healthy. :) Eagerly awaiting your illustration of the Picnic Girl! Xoxo
That picnic basket is gorgeous! No wonder it set off your dreams. I love a good leisurely picnic especially before the weather gets too hot. I think hubby and I need to plan one for Central Park soon. And I should do another picnic shoot with Rena and Ian too :)
Have a fab weekend Sandy!
Rowena @ rolala loves
I loved your picnic post Sandy, I always enjoy when blogs when I can, you made my Friday. I am a picnic girl at heart so I will think about this blog all weekend long cause it was such a beautiful one, I wish I could have picnics all the time now. XOXO @ImDanielleGray
Yes I'm a fan of summer lounging picnics~
Living by the lake makes my picnics wonderful and a weekly event ;)
Thank you sweet Sandy for creating and spreading beauty around you}
Luv Sonia
Beautiful pictures that evoke to dream of a gorgeous picnic! We just need the sun in the UK! xx
These picnic pics are so dreamy Sandy! I would love to experience all of them. HAHAHAHA So beautiful! Have a great weekend doll.
Sandy ..your beautiful inspiration images have me drifting off into dream land of picnics in meadows ... I don't think we picnic enough!!! Wishing you a fabulous week-end..xo Hugs, C. (HHL)
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