Hi everybody!
In my last post, I announced that for the second summer in a row,
I would be taking the summer months of June, July and August
off, more or less, from my regular blog posts to:
(1) enjoy summer while it's here;
(2) soak in lots of inspiration;
(3) take some summer trips;
(4) illustrate some exciting things for fall!
But, I also mentioned that I'd be stopping in now and then
(not on any regular schedule) to say hello
and to let you know what I've been up to
and see what you all have been doing.
This is one of THOSE short posts!
So ...
since this was the first week of unofficial summer,
I thought I'd drop by!
Well, the first week of my summer has been
rather cool, so there's been no beach time yet.
The month of May had some fab mid-80's days
but this first week of June cooled off and we've had drizzly days
with highs of 70 in the afternoon ...
and that means mornings have been chilly most days.
So ...
during this first week, I've been
very busy in the studio with an EXCITING
new opportunity that's popped up
(more about that later!).
I've also been getting the first floor bedroom of the house
whipped up as a guest room especially for my dad to use when he's over
to enjoy some fishing, boating or swimming in the backyard lake.
The room is being painted the same beautiful
pale blue-green of the living room
(Benjamin Moore Icing on the Cake, a color I just love!)
but the backs of the built-in bookshelves are being painted
Benjamin Moore Deep Royal , allowing the
crisp white of the shelves to pop against the deep blue color.
Since my home is actually on some water,
I wanted to give his room the beach house style
that the rest of the house will have.
I've been picking up items for wall decor and bedding ...
(so a lunch and shopping trip with bff was required this week, of course) ...
and plans are in the works for a white upholstered headboard
that I will be making.
I'll be sharing some of the room details in another post
once it's further along!
Even though I've been extremely busy this week
in the studio, each day of this first week in June,
I've been breaking in the afternoon for a bit
to walk in the sunshine, sometimes stopping to read for a bit
in the park or take photos of lily pads on the water to frame in the house
or sit with my father when he dropped over one day this week
and wanted to fish for a while from the shore.
Each day is cherished.
But I'm so looking forward to the warmer weather
that is predicted to return next week
so my summer time will look more like like this ...
I'll end this little hello post
with a few of my summer illustrations
that were previously on summer notecards ...

I have had many requests as to whether
previous illustrations of mine
could be sold as prints for dressing rooms, etc.
(one of the latest requests was for several of my prints
to be used to form a glamorous art gallery wall
for a daughter's room .. chic!) ...
just let me know if you'd like to have a print created
and it can be done!
(...with the exception of custom illustrations created for clients)
Price would depend upon image and size but most prints are from
$20 for 8"x10" to $30 for larger.
If interested, drop me a line here with the illustration
you're interested in!
It's easy to browse past illustrations by looking through
Ooh La Frou Frou posts.
What has your first week in June been like?
I'd love to know!
'Til next time ...
is the blog of illustrator
Above images and sources can be found here
Hello Sandy...lovely to see you again ;-)
LOVE your illustrations they always make me smile...the bottom one is my favourite...enjoy the Summer...we've had lots of sunshine in London this week...perfect!
The guest room paint combo sounds lovely!! Summer has just begun here. I've stocked up on books to read and taken out the deck furniture. Anxious to hear about your new opportunity! Your illustrations are so pretty.
Have a lovely week,
Enjoy your summer time.....
That's great idea from you-cherish every day with a sun and blue sky!
You know how much I do love you ullistrations,they makes me so smile and happy:)))*
Wish you beautiful time and look forward to your new posts,dear!
Hugs from Amsterdam,
It sounds like your summer is off to a lovely start Sandy. So glad to hear that you're taking the time out to enjoy each day no matter how busy you are. Your first floor bedroom sounds like it's going to be gorgeous! And I never get tired of looking at your pretty illustrations.
I'm mobile again this week so I've actually been getting out more which always makes me happy.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Rowena @ rolala loves
Dearest Sandy ... your illustrations are always inspiring and take me to dreamland. The renos and colour combinations sound fabulous! Can't wait for you to share the photos.
We are still waiting for the warm weather to arrive here ... but the rain has certainly made everything super green.
Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)
Sandy, your dad is going to enjoy that room so much he might not leave! Icing on the cake! I WOULD STAY! HaHa It sounds delightful. Glad everything is going well doll.
Hi Sandy, the room sounds like its going to be so beautiful! Looking forward to seeing the results. Your illustrations are so full of life and wonderfully designed. Have a great weekend doll!
Hello Sandy! :) I was so happy to see your post. It sounds like your summer is starting off well. We've had our share of rain which has kept me inside too much. But my flowers are growing like crazy. :) Super excited about the project you are working on
Can't wait for you to reveal it to us. Something to look forward to. Have a great time this summer lovely. Xo xo
Hi, Dear, good to hear from you!
We had a warm week, too and it was fantastic after the cold and rainy weeks. Your guest room project sounds interesting and I am sure your daddy will love it :-)
It's good that you have a little bit time for yourself and enjoying the nature like me.
Your ladies at the illustrations are so sweet, I love them! Really lovely ladylike scenes!
Enjoy your time! I am looking forward to the next post of you, Sweet!
Love, Ines
It seems that your summer is off to a wonderful start, Sandy! And ho thoughtful that you've prepared a room especially for your very special guest, your dad. Enjoy the wonderful season!
My dearest Sandy, I'm sorry for my prolonged absence here. I'm already looking forward to going back through all your previous posts to indulge in pure beauty, dream a little dream of glamour and style, and escape from my daily routine, even for a little while.
It's so fabulous to read about your news, exciting collaborations and amazing home improvements! And it's even better to know that I can now own one of your prints (or five :) I was just recently thinking how fabulous it would be to add some of your works to my gallery wall! I'll have to go through your archives to pick my favorites (it will be extremely hard!)
Wishing you the best of summers my sweet friend!
xx Ivana
Macarons and Pearls
Sandy your new guest room sounds ever so glam! I love the idea of your prints for dressing rooms - more stores should try that, it would be so fun to see them while trying on clothes!
xo Mary Jo
Really great pics! So inspiring:)
Well we have had a week of warm sunshine - summer at last (although a drizzle of rain today) Your summery illustrations are wonderful - your ladies as usual so chic and stylish! Looking forward to seeing the guest room which sounds gorgeous!
Loving your summer illustrations! They look wonderful :) I'm so happy it's summer, I absolutely love this time of the year! ♥
Weather has been the same here...I want my nice hot weather back. Mm, those picture are making me happy...sand, sunshine and summer...all things I love. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!! xoxo
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